It was written too... Since morning things didn't at all work well for me. When I counted I saw I’d received 51 calls that day, I guess it’s a record in itself. The day gradually shaped into an unforgettable one, the irony being that I cease to remember what all I went through. Only the ones who are close to me would empathise with me. I’m indebted to them. They would identify themselves when they read this and grin, I’m sure.
Of that day, my only achievement was when the teacher saw me staring at her (her unusual chin precisely) and smiling. The teacher and I didn't get along well that day. This is what I learnt attending the lecture in a jam packed class.
I admire the free bird,
and i'm not one among the herd.
Great I am not, to forever concentrate,
Pray don’t pick me then, as a bait.
It’s not my condition,
To be forced education.
Knowledge; I consider it to be,
From barriers it gets me free.
It’s not my nature to mug not learn,
Not many a packets it would burn.
It’s a damned way to be told,
How answers in tests are sold.
Rather, if there are riddles we find,
Have a chance to develop our mind.
For how long would we seek excuses,
To defend opportunities one loses.
Wouldn’t you allow a voice raised,
Couldn’t we be a little more spaced,
Just a little more spaced.