It was a cold winter night. The streets of Noida were lit blurry yellow as the light merged with the moist fog.
My brother invited me for a walk followed by meeting a few pahadis and dinner. I was much free than usual, studies and mundane work could have been easily procrastinated. Meeting with Pahadis was tempting and exciting for the material and pseudo intellectual kick. But above all I could not say no to Abhishek. He promises a very accommodating and enterprising company. And so did it turned out to be. I earned a very good friend besides having an overpowering evening.
I was introduced to Marut Bisht graced with a humble, handsome and humorous personality. With no ice there to be broken, a carefree conversation set rolling. Apart from a primary information exchange and drawing perspectives about our general mentalities, the time we spent together was mostly about music.
I sang ‘Guncha’ on guitar for the first time. It was difficult to blend with Marut as I could offer him no reference points. There was a power cut for internet and I carried a primitive cellphone. Yet, we managed a good song. Khamaj by Fuzon followed. Marut shared a song from the album he would later cut with his friends. I remembered it by heart and sang it to my musical soulmate with real high standards in music. I was much appreciated by her. A few pahadi songs later and with a promise to meet as often we bid farewell.
It is sad that we couldn’t spend so much leisure time again but just a few meetings at random places. It was very soothing and cheering to know of Marut’s doing well both in career and music. The news of his marriage to his sweetheart and the traditional ceremony brings extreme delight to his loved ones and an aficionado like me. Each new video of his on youtube is an inspiring moment.
I often share with him what I feel about his music. These are honest views and I tell him my sincere feedback. He likes it when I tell him what’s good and where it has gone overboard.
I have been professionally interacting with numerous bands every week – both Rock and Fusion. Every band has a story and the success points mainly are two – Conviction and Faith in Music. For most of them it is a startup adventure, just as Raghu Dixit calls himself as a music entrepreneur.
Here are a few songs of Marut that I love. Kudos to him!
'The Anthem song'
In London
A treat for a fan..