i would not say its a great movie, neither is it a well directed film but it might be turning point in the life of some people. as it has been to mine.
It is a great story... a wonderful story of 2 kids exploring, how they discover and transform...
its simple and has simple lessons...
Its very simple to live for our own happiness, its however difficult to take up responsibility and become a Hero.
All my life what mattered to me was that i get my share of good music, good food, good company and other things that shouldn't be mentioned so openly. indulging in all these things gave me immense happiness so much so that i forgot what i could give.
this thought would have never occurred to me had i not seen the film. i pondered over the things there are in a Hero and things that i lack.
It was concluded that the Heroes are extremely focused, disciplined and healthy. which i personally am trying hard to become. Along with that, they seek happiness in their responsibilities unlike us.
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