Not so long ago, there were a few maverick boys. They were quite an intelligent bunch and had learnt the lessons of hard work very early in life. There were things in common among them, they wanted to make it big, had the zeal of the entrepreneurs and they were all Foodies!! That is why the universe conspired and brought them all to the study at the kingdom’s premier education Institute.
As they burnt the midnight oil and fuel in the day, they ended up with extreme hunger pangs. The food at the mess was not what they would settle for. Food wasn’t what these quality seekers would compromise with, they were Foodies after all.
There was once a time when they had a huge collection of menus in their drawers. The idea to file them together wasn’t quite fruitful either. Now since they were a perfectionists by nature, they came up with the most efficient deal. And this was when Foodiebay.com was born! A unique and a promising website with a database of over 1500 restaurants and food joints from all over the
The foodieboys have been a blessing to people working in the service industry in all metros are increasingly becoming net savvy and look up to the internet to provide them with information concerning all their foody needs. The efforts of these Foodieboys have kicked off back-end operations in Mumbai and Pune.
Foodiebay.com’s focusing on one city at a time and trying to achieve penetration within that zone rather than being spread too thinly in too many cities. This gives its customers a choice of restaurants which no other portal can currently provide. It also provide quantitative ratings to all restaurants which are listed on foodiebay.
The biggest USP is that they have menus for each restaurant that is listed on the site. Each listing under the feature tab also includes, whether the restaurant does home delivery, what the average cost for a meal for two would be, whether credit cards are accepted or not, whether liquor is served or not etc. A user can write reviews, rate restaurants & restaurant owners can even upload their menus sitting at home.
The database of foodiebay.com is updated frequently, adding up nearly 20 new restaurants per day and checking up already added restaurants once in every four months. The student team of foodiebay.com does all the execution on the technology and the content front while the mentor team helps establish relationships with investors, restaurants and also pitches in with marketing.
The product which we see online today is a result of a very extensive study and intelligence on what will potentially work in the Indian market. The revenue model is mostly advertising based. Foodiebay.com being a niche website with a targeted set of ‘hungry’ customers is a perfect platform for restaurants to promote their offerings. Our boys have proved themselves that they aren’t just any other foodies, they are the ones who fulfill both the, ‘eat to live’ and ‘live to eat’ school of thoughts.
That's a very thoughtful idea, we needed something like that!
That really is an inspiring post
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