Dehi Shiva Bar Mohe Ihe, Shubh Karman Se Kabhun Na Taron Na Daron Ari Son Jab Jai Laron, Nischey Kar Apni Jeet Karon O God, give me these boons that never shall I shirk from doing good deeds that never shall I fear when I go into battle And that with surety I shall attain victory. My Mom taught me this verse when I was a kid. Today, every citizen of our country needs to follow what the verse says and imbibe by it. |
I felt very sad chatting with a very Dear Friend today. Well, I still would forever love him but it was sad to know what he feels about the most important day of India's history after the Jaiprakash Narain movement. He doesn't realise how important it was for all the people of India to come together. Today, all Indian languages spoke one voice; united. Today, every Indian despite his or her religion, caste, gender, status stood with one another and fought for one cause. Today, every part of India cried Vande Matram!
16th Aug 2011
16th Aug 2011
Dear Friend: Can sum1 remove dis stupid govt
Koi keh sakta hai these r politicians
12:25 PM
me: u can
use fb bbm
12:26 PM
Dear Friend: These guys r nt at all diplomatic
Even I cud hav dealt wid this situation in a much better way
me: mk ppl realise that they are penalised and fired from their offices for unaccountability while the real corrupt are roaming scotfree
12:27 PM
Dear Friend: No yaar u r nt undrstndng my point
My point is dat they shud hav let anna do watever he liked
12:28 PM
People wud hav still voted 4 dem in d next elections
Bcoz they dnt hav an opposition
N indian people hav a very short memory
N den they cud hav got anna hazare killed by slow poisioning
12:29 PM
me: ok so u dont want anything good fr the country
i see
Dear Friend: Hw do u knw lokpal bill is good 4 d country
do u want d country to be equal 4 all??
me: i hv read it
shudnt it be
12:30 PM
Dear Friend: Okk den tell me dis
No answr me dis
me: answer wat dear?
Dear Friend: Do u hav a servant in ur house
Do u have a maid or a servant
12:31 PM
Itnaa kyaa likh rahaa hai
12:32 PM
me: yes a maid does come and she is given all the benefits, chutti, appraisal, she notifies me for a leave , i notify her when not to come. we hav a healthy relationship where we chat as to wat she likes to cook. how is it made. i take care of her needs regarding her children or somewhere where i could help
12:33 PM
Dear Friend: I just wanted a yes or a no
I m givng d xample
Nt u
So answr in brief
me: its just that she potentially does not qualify for a better job than housekeeping
Dear Friend: Nw wat will happen if u dnt hav a maid
Just answr wat I ask
me: i'll do al the cleaning mopping washing myself
12:34 PM
Dear Friend: N wat abt ur house in del
Will ur mom b able 2 do
me: well yes.
only that she is growing old.
12:35 PM
Dear Friend: So wat..just think she wnt get a maid frm nw on
me: ya on her own then
Dear Friend: Will all d houses in d country b able 2 do dat???
12:36 PM
I will answer dat...its a no
12:37 PM
me: if we do not have an underpriviliged society from tomoro yes we shall either have to do all that on our own or have a system like US
Dear Friend: Bcoz our country isn't dat clean...dat we cud afford not 2 clean our houses 4 2 days
Yes...dats right
me: where anyone in need of money could do all these services and be paid by hour
12:38 PM
Dear Friend: So I dnt want dat we shud hav a system like US
Bcoz it will effect grwth of d economy
I think like a businessman
Growth is reqd at present
Yess but its tooo xpensive
12:39 PM
U dnt knw hw many small scale industries will b effected by dis
Unemployment will rise
12:40 PM
me: so i really dont understnd the point how being under priviliged is being corelated to being corrupt where the businessmen industrialists have milliions in the swiss banks which if were in india and been white money it could really help empower the underpriviliged
Dear Friend: Anna hazare kind of people dnt c dis aspect at all\
me: no i mean anna hazare is against the corrupt
Dear Friend: Yeah so underpriveledged wud hav money...
N there standards will rise
me: he doesnt own a union in favor of the maids or housekeepers
Dear Friend: Wid dat there costs
12:41 PM
me: yes
so is it wrong
Dear Friend: So it ultimately effects d whole system
me: are u telling me that you purposely want the system to be corrupt
12:42 PM
u purposely want children to labour in ur factories
r u telling me that ur all intentions are malicious
if yes i do not see u in a different light than the politicians and this government
12:43 PM
Dear Friend: Yes...there is no need 4 dis kind of a bill
Every country has its systems
N our country runs on dis system
Every1 curses d politicians...den y doesn't go into politics
Yess I c it dat ways
me: well dear ppl r getting into politics
Dear Friend: Dats hw country wud grow
me: hv u heard of TISS
Dear Friend: Yess I hav heard
12:44 PM
Dear Friend: Okk as per u..who is d next pm of d country
If elections were 2day
me: they have recently represented india in the united nations
they are doing whatever it takes
12:45 PM
Dear Friend: Okk as per u..who is d next pm of d country
If elections were 2day
me: well, that's exactly the question which remains unanswered n shud not be answered
i dont want a rahul gandhi
12:46 PM
therefore i want anna's campaign to be so impacctful that congress doesnt win enuf votes
Dear Friend: Y shudnt it b
Open ur eyes
12:47 PM
me: well congress has a history with scamsi in the past two years
Dear Friend: If rahul gandhi stands 2day...65% of d country votes 4 hi$
me: i think my eyes r oopen n ur mind shut
Dear Friend: Him
Bcoz nda doesn't hav a candidate
me: they wont cos congress has had a bad past?
12:48 PM
Dear Friend: Dude...every industrialist wants dem 2 b in power
me: cwg, kalmadi, hiela, 2g - chidambram,
i agree
Dear Friend: Y didn't u do???
me: but does the common man?
12:49 PM
i pay high taxes
Dear Friend: Small industrialists want dem
me: i pay for expensive food
i dont get facilities
i stand in ques
Dear Friend: Online
Get online
me: dude i guess i got to be a li'l selfish
Dear Friend: 2 avoid ques
12:50 PM
me: where "I" is comprising of 100 crore of us
Dear Friend: Okk gtg
Talk l8r
me: yup u get below-line
12:51 PM
2 know reality n avoid asking ques
The Chat continues on BBM.
Dear Friend: 1sardar ko Chand Pr bhejne ka Faisla hua.
Aadhe raste me sardr ne Rocket se niche chalang lga di or chillaya dhoka salo Aaj to Amawsya hai,Chand to niklega nhi.
Dear Friend: Do u knw hw many yrs it took 2 get independence
Dear Friend: ....
Dear Friend: Tell???
Dear Friend: Do u hav an answr
Udit: Brb
Dear Friend: Okkk...
Dear Friend: Did u read d breaking news
Udit: No
Dear Friend: Read my status
Dear Friend: N u wud fall off laughng
Dear Friend: Did u read
Udit: Ya
Dear Friend: Okk tell me dis...u knw people r in custody in a stadium
Dear Friend: Chatrasal
Udit: Yes yes
Udit: Mere ek do juniors bhi hain yar
Dear Friend: Hahahaha...hw r they doing there toilet over there???
Dear Friend: Do u think anna is doodh ka dhulaa kinds
Dear Friend: ???
Dear Friend: Is he nt corrupt...
Udit: How?
Dear Friend: Y is he doing all dis 4?????
Udit: 4 u? I guess...
Dear Friend: Publicity....
Dear Friend: Who r d people chanting his names???
Dear Friend: They r not common people...but people sent by bjp,rss etc
Udit: At 70? Do u think? His daughter in law stays at a village house in a torn sari. Is it d same wid lalu's 9 kids or karunanidhi's whole clan?
Udit: Well I was at a march yesterday wher ther were ppl frm google india, fb india, tata, convergys. I think u r purposely being pessimistic. Ek bar acha soch ke dekh
Udit: Chal bye
Udit: Off to anothr rally at hyd.
Dear Friend: Hahahaha...all d best..
Dear Friend: I'm thinking achaa only
Dear Friend: Dnt worry u will c it in loong term
Udit: I m trying to b non violent
Udit: Else I would hv told u - g**** mara
Dear Friend: Okk tell me only 1 thing
Dear Friend: Hw long it took 4 us 2 get indpendence
Udit: The day we thought we want independence. We were independent.
Udit: One day, one moment?
Dear Friend: Lols...
Dear Friend: It took 100 yrs
Udit: Hw mny nwspprs were there tht time
Udit: Hw mny were literate
Udit: And Hw mny were like u!
Dear Friend: Dnt worry...its gonna take 200 yrs dis time
Dear Friend: Let india win a wrld cup
Dear Friend: N we will c wat d media says
Udit: So again I wudnt ask u to g**** mara
Dear Friend: Will it cover anna or india
Udit: Pls jake g**** mara le
Udit: Ph** off k****
Dear Friend: Dude....2day is day 1...
Dear Friend: I will ask u after 2 weeks
Udit: Sure
Udit: Thousnds of ppl r here
Udit: Jus wntd u to kno
Udit: Bye
Dear Friend: Dnt worry
Dear Friend: I knw
Dear Friend: They r indians...n all hav short term memory...
Dear Friend: N plzzz do me a favour
Dear Friend: Can u sk dem does ne 1 knw wat were d points dat anna hazare wanted 2 include in d lokpal bill
Dear Friend: N wat does a lokpal bill do...apart frm reducing prices 4 dem...
Dear Friend: Dnt answr 4m urself but ask people
Dear Friend: N lemme knw
Udit: Anyway a lot of corporate is here. They hv d bill copies in their hnds. One is discussing d clauses.
Udit: Oh I guess you r Comparing wid d images of delhi.
Udit: Dnt wrry its vry orgnised here
Dear Friend: Yesss
Dear Friend: Okkk
Dear Friend: If people knw wat they r protestng 4 den its good
Dear Friend: But here its bhaed chaal
Udit: Yahan pe is samay bhed chaal hi chahiye bhai
Udit: Ek hi direction mein jaana hai yar

Just a few hours before Anna was said to be released yet Anna refused to leave jail till he gets unconditional permission to fast
And our conversation continues (17th Aug 2011)
Dear Friend: Dude watever u sent me yestrday was just magical...n eye opener
Dear Friend: Thnk u...
Udit: U drunk in d morning?
Dear Friend: Nopes....
Dear Friend: I'm in my senses
Dear Friend: D readings n wat I'm watchng has made me more anti anna
Udit: Hahahahahhha did u read my blog?
Dear Friend: Yess
Dear Friend: I'm doing a lot of reading dese days
Udit: Hahhahhaaa....
Dear Friend: Wat hahahahaaaa
Dear Friend: Did u c star news yestrday
Dear Friend: In d night
Udit: No y?
Dear Friend: It took out d air out of anna hazare's movement
Udit: Really
Udit: Hv u heard abt twitter?
Dear Friend: They xposed dat people protestng dnt knw wat they r fighting 4...
Udit: Jus search annahazare on twitter
Udit: Knowin its against corruption is enuf
Udit: Wat more?
Dear Friend: No it isn't enuf
Dear Friend: Ts blindfaith
Dear Friend: Its
Udit: I dnt wanna b ruled by fools, ruffians, goons
Udit: I fight against them
Udit: Isn't tht enuf
Udit: I cnt let n idiot decide fr me
Udit: Its frustrating dude
Udit: Pls try n read a few nwspprs
Udit: Hindu if possible
Dear Friend: Hmmm..
Dear Friend: Its frustrating 4 me 2 c hw dis govt is cowardly...they dnt hav an opposition...n still they r gettng threatened
Dear Friend: 4 wat???
Dear Friend: I wud hav dealt wid d situation in a much better way
Udit: Hv u been a class monitor?
Dear Friend: These fuckers hav made anna hazare a national hero
Dear Friend: Yess
Dear Friend: N I hated it
Dear Friend: Many times
Udit: Now the govt is d monitor of 120cr ppl and its a monitor wid massive guilt. And wat more all d students r making noise
Udit: Atlst u had no guilt
Dear Friend: Nthng
Dear Friend: Wat more???
Dear Friend: Its like I read 2 newspapers everyday...ok
Dear Friend: Thnk u...
Udit: U drunk in d morning?
Dear Friend: Nopes....
Dear Friend: I'm in my senses
Dear Friend: D readings n wat I'm watchng has made me more anti anna
Udit: Hahahahahhha did u read my blog?
Dear Friend: Yess
Dear Friend: I'm doing a lot of reading dese days
Udit: Hahhahhaaa....
Dear Friend: Wat hahahahaaaa
Dear Friend: Did u c star news yestrday
Dear Friend: In d night
Udit: No y?
Dear Friend: It took out d air out of anna hazare's movement
Udit: Really
Udit: Hv u heard abt twitter?
Dear Friend: They xposed dat people protestng dnt knw wat they r fighting 4...
Udit: Jus search annahazare on twitter
Udit: Knowin its against corruption is enuf
Udit: Wat more?
Dear Friend: No it isn't enuf
Dear Friend: Ts blindfaith
Dear Friend: Its
Udit: I dnt wanna b ruled by fools, ruffians, goons
Udit: I fight against them
Udit: Isn't tht enuf
Udit: I cnt let n idiot decide fr me
Udit: Its frustrating dude
Udit: Pls try n read a few nwspprs
Udit: Hindu if possible
Dear Friend: Hmmm..
Dear Friend: Its frustrating 4 me 2 c hw dis govt is cowardly...they dnt hav an opposition...n still they r gettng threatened
Dear Friend: 4 wat???
Dear Friend: I wud hav dealt wid d situation in a much better way
Udit: Hv u been a class monitor?
Dear Friend: These fuckers hav made anna hazare a national hero
Dear Friend: Yess
Dear Friend: N I hated it
Dear Friend: Many times
Udit: Now the govt is d monitor of 120cr ppl and its a monitor wid massive guilt. And wat more all d students r making noise
Udit: Atlst u had no guilt
Dear Friend: Nthng
Dear Friend: Wat more???
Dear Friend: Its like I read 2 newspapers everyday...ok
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