Aug 4, 2011

Eulogising Facebook... (Honestly!)

"Facebook should be limited to young users only, since they engage more with the product, have different type of interactions and are the largest growing segment in any country". 

This was the topic of a recent Webinar I participated in. I am so happy that the Webinars are catching up in the Indian social marketing space with much enthusiasm. This was what I had to say.

I beg to differ!

My mom and all her sisters and brothers use Facebook more often than me. Infact, they are fulfilling their pursuits through Facebook. Matchmaking! Spying on their Kids! And the one noble pleasure of getting back to their old friends. How could we devoid them of this joy of reconnecting with their friends and companions. They were a little late to grab the technology but then I must assure the FB management they are hitting in huge numbers and so do the trends say.

Socially and emotionally, Facebook is doing a tremendous job of bridging the generation gap. Parents now understand when they see that a hundred other kids do have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, do have vices, do party (day and / or night). That's opening them up. At the same time they are getting aware about their kid's interests, hobbies, affiliations. They do see that the kid is reading, he is rejoicing in music, he is supporting causes... that the kid has a good conscience.

The business point of view, well, I have an understanding that if this Target Group is given emphasis, it would do great wonders. Since, the youth is already hooked and addicted, we could segment ourselves to the new TG. Apps, that bring back the flavor of the past. Communities that keep them engaged with their roots, with their interests, with their followings shall develop huge following and That's Where We Place an Advertisement!!!

The largest segment in the country might at times become dormant but here is an opportunity which we should not overlook. We have now an opportunity to connect the 40 and above age groups to the young. If we could possibly do that, the excitement shall forever be there.

So the point that we take home is that we never end the Excitement that Facebook has brought in the lives of its users!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Certainly i too was seeded with the thoughts of all you mentioned about while I joined the FB. As and when the seeds started to grow into crops I started feeling that no matter what FB will always remain a Virtual ground of spying with a smiling veil. In the name of socializing all that we get is high nerves. To maintain a relation in real life is much more necessary rather than virtual Hello and Hi... I am constarined with time as this is my time to study. Will surely express my thoughts in my leisure time. I like yur blog... Honestly!

Gagandeep Singh Sahdev